Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (aka CCD) classes are offered to parish children from first grade through eighth grade. It is a formal religious education program with a mission to provide education in the faith for those unable to benefit from the parochial school system. The pastor has general oversight. The coordinator locates and trains catechists, chooses texts and instructional materials, and supervises the catechetical instruction. Catechists (teachers, co-teachers, and aides) are sought from the congregation. They must be confirmed Catholics, high school graduates, at least 18 years of age, with no canonical impediments to the sacraments. Aides may be under the age of 18 and currently in high school. Volunteer catechists are always needed, but other opportunities for service also exist - special projects, retreats, and occasional help, as well as prayer partners and substitute catechists. All instruction is faithful to the Magisterium of the Church and any textual material used is based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church and is approved for use in the Diocese of Covington.
The Coordinator should be advised of special educational needs for any students. Students are normally grouped with their peers. Registration occurs in August and instruction begins on the first Wednesday after Labor Day. Instruction is conducted from September to May and all classes meet on Wednesday evenings in the school building. A fee is required which covers the cost of texts, supplementary materials, art supplies, audio-visual and library supplies and administrative expenses associated with the CCD program. This fee is paid at registration.
Enrollment in the CCD program DOES NOT fulfill the Sunday obligation for the celebration of the Mass, so students should attend a Liturgy other than the time of the instruction classes.
Registration forms can be completed and returned to the Rectory or dropped into the Sunday collection basket.